How Does Your Garden Grow?

Hello Friends,

Today I am going to share the article I wrote for the March Issue of our Village Newspaper, Cameron Chronicle, “The Little Paper With Personality.”

How Does Your Garden Grow?

By Carla TePaske of Cameron WI ~ The Little Garden That Could

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells, and pretty maids all in a row. This is the way we plant our seeds, plant our seeds, plant our seeds. This is the way we plant our seeds, early in the morning.

It is that time, it is time to start planning the garden. Decide now what you want to plant in spring and summer, and take the necessary steps to prepare.

If you intend to start plants from seed, now is the time to start.

Pick a project to improve your garden. If you plan to refresh or expand your garden beds, decide what plants you want. Get your decision-making off your list before the garden season picks up.

There are always things we want to add to our garden that we never get done. That’s because we don’t schedule it, and what doesn’t get scheduled doesn’t get done. If you really want to add that water feature or that greenhouse or start a wildflower garden, now is the time to map it out, including the steps and the timeline.

My gardening motto is the following, plant something fun, plant something new, and plant something tried and true.

The plant something new is important. As you pick your improvement projects and seeds to grow, remember to pick something new. As gardeners who have been at it a while, we tend to get stuck in ruts and grow the same things over and over. There are so many opportunities to try something new, and in the process, we grow with it and learn so much more.

As we plan out our garden season, remember that time is your most precious resource, our growing season goes by fast.

Seize the moment. Until next time happy gardening!