How to Use Newspaper to Make a Pot

Hello Friends, today I am going to share the article I wrote for the February Issue of the Cameron Chronicle.

How to Use Newspaper to Make a Pot

By Carla TePaske of Cameron WI ~ The Little Garden That Could

Making pots out of newspaper is an affordable way to get a jump start on your seed starting.

Save money and recycle your old newspaper by making newspaper pots.

Gather Supplies

Stack of newspaper.

Pair of scissors.

A 6 ounce can (the kind that tomato paste usually come in).

Cut the Newspaper

Grab two sheets of newspaper so you have a foursheet stack. Cut the newspaper into thirds, lengthwise, giving you three long strips.

Roll your Newspaper

On the end closest to you, lay the can on its side across the strip of newspaper. Leave about 1 inch hanging off the end of the can. Roll the can along the newspaper until its loosely wrapped all the way around. Fold the edges of the newspaper down over the can, and work your way around in a circle until the edges are folded firmly. They don’t have to be perfect, you can just smash the paper down with your fingers. It is fine if there is a small hole where the fold meets in the middle – that provides extra drainage.

Flip the can over so the folded edges are now on the bottom. Press the can down on the folds to really crease the edges against the bottom of the can.

Slide the can out and you have got a thrifty seedling pot!

Do not worry if it seems like the pot is flimsy or unraveling, especially at the bottom. Once filled with seed starting mix and moistened, the pot is surprising sturdy and holds it’s shape well.

The benefit of making recycled newspaper seed starters is that you can transplant your seedlings right into the garden, paper pot and all, and the newspaper will decompose naturally in the soil.

Have fun making your newspaper pots. Until next time happy gardening!