The Glut

Hello Friends,

The Glut is the most recent article I wrote for the Cameron Chronicle.

Happy Reading!

The Glut

By Carla TePaske of Cameron WI ~ The Little Garden That Could

It is that time, harvest time. Many times we can have a glut of a vegetable or herb and wonder, what more can I do with all this garden goodness.

This season I am making herb cubes. I am harvesting mint, lemon balm, lemon verbena and more and making herb cubes. It is easy. Pick and clean your herbs. Place three to five leaves in an ice tray, fill with water, freeze and enjoy. When frozen pop them out and store in quart freezer bags. Make sure to label your bags. Tip: I use silicone ice cube trays and they work great. I am making a few bags of herb cubes of each herb to have on hand in the winter months. You can add your herb cubes to water, tea or a mixed drink.

Tomatoes are easy to freeze. Harvest, wash and toss into a freezer bag. During the winter months bring out your tomatoes and use them in your chili and other soups.

Peppers are just as easy to freeze. I harvest, wash, and dice my green peppers and freeze them. In the winter months use your peppers for omelets, homemade pizza and soup.

Enjoy the season of the glut. I know I am going to be munching on as many cucumbers as I can.

Until next time, happy gardening!