Forcing Amaryllis

Hello Friends, today I am sharing the article I wrote for our local newspaper, Cameron Chronicle.. the little paper with personality.

Forcing Amaryllis

By Carla TePaske of Cameron, WI ~ The Little Garden That Could

We soon will see amaryllis at the shops. Amaryllis have become favorites to force to bring some splash of color during our winter months. I will share a few tips when it comes to forcing amaryllis.

When it comes to strong and healthy plants, often the bigger the bulb, the better the plant becomes. Use free draining potting soil to pot up. The bulb should be poking out the top of the potting soil (a third or so showing). This will prevent the bulbs from rotting, which they are often prone to do in waterlogged soil. It is also a good idea to place a stake or twigs for support. These look excellent staked with birch branches in a pot or as a table centerpiece with fairy lights, dried leaves, and moss at the base.

Be careful not to over-water the bulbs, keeping this step to a minimum until leaves appear.

If you’re cutting amaryllis to use in arrangements, insert a thin bamboo cane or stick from the garden to ensure the stems stay upright. Simply place the stick up the hollow stem and secure with an elastic band at the end of the stem to stop it splitting and curling up like the tail of a pig.

Don’t toss the bulb after the season. When you’re sure that no more spikes will surface, you can begin deadheading the amaryllis. When the stems go yellow, you can then cut them down. During the remainder of the year, treat your amaryllis like any other house plant. In late August, early September your amaryllis will need a dormant season. Place in the dark until ready to kick-start the process again.

Until next time, happy gardening!