How to Prepare the Garden When You Go on Vacation

How to Prepare the Garden When You Go on Vacation

By Carla TePaske of Cameron, WI ~ The Little Garden That Could

Going on Vacation? All of us gardeners need to have a summer holiday. At times that can feel very difficult to do because who will care for the garden? We love and care for our gardens. How will it survive with out us? I am happy to share, all it takes is a little planning and your garden will thrive. The exciting part is when you return you will get to enjoy all the new growth in the garden.

Here are a few tips on how to get the garden ready for vacation.

Enlist a friend, relative, or neighbor. There is nothing more reassuring than having a friend, relative, or neighbor keep an eye on the garden. Even non-gardeners can help. Give simple instructions. Have hoses, sprayers, and water cans easily accessible.

Other alternatives for keeping your plants watered are kiddie pools and plastic jugs.

Using a kiddie pool is perfect for bottom watering container plants. Put the pool in a shady spot and fill it with containers and an inch or so of water.

A plastic jug with a few holes in the cap, filled with water and placed upside down in the soil or your garden bed or in your plants container, will slowly deliver moisture. A milk jug or soda bottle is perfect for this.

Give all your plants a good drink before you leave.

Add mulch to your garden beds and pots to help retain moisture.

Hopefully these tips will help you prepare the garden for summer holiday, giving you peace of mind your garden will thrive.